Princess Basma praises Jordanian women's capability to reach leadership positions

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — HRH Princess Basma Bint Talal, honorary Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Women and chairperson of the Jordanian National Committee for Women (JNCW), said that Jordanian women are still capable of reaching leadership positions locally and internationally, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra. اضافة اعلان

Princess Basma made her remarks at a reception organized by the UN Women and the JNCW on Thursday for the occasion of appointing Sima Bahouth as the executive director of the UN Women.

Princess Basma also said that appointing Bahouth has important implications for Jordanian and Arab women, as it represents global recognition of the ability and competence of Arab women in serving the causes of their counterparts in all countries of the world.

During the event, which UN Women Jordan representative Ziad Sheikh attended, Princess Basma shared that she considered the path ahead for women in many countries of the world is still full of challenges that prevent them from being empowered. She also reinforced the importance of all national and international concerted efforts to confront these challenges in order to achieve a prosperous future for women.

Princess Basma also praised the partnership between the JNCW, the UN Women in Jordan, official bodies concerned with women's issues, various civil society organizations, and the successes achieved by this partnership in empowering women and combating forms of violence against them in various fields.

For her part, Bahouth said her appointment would not have been achieved without the significant and continued support women get from the Hashemite leadership.

JNCW Secretary General Salma Al-Nims noted the importance of the strategic partnership at the national level with the UN Women and its role in strengthening the committee’s work to formulate a national vision for women.

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