Dry, dusty weather forecast Saturday; fair conditions to prevail tomorrow-JMD

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN--Temperatures are set to continue rising on Saturday, and dry and dusty weather prevails in many regions countrywide, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said in its daily update, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Relatively hot conditions will prevail in the hilltops and plains, and scorching weather is forecast in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba, with easterly moderate to active winds, the JMD said.

In its report, the JMD today warns of the danger of low horizontal visibility due to dust in many areas, and its absence sometimes in the Badia regions. It also warns of direct exposure to the sun's rays during the afternoon in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba.

According to the JMD, the Kingdom will be affected by a pleasant air mass on Sunday, and a significant drop in temperatures is forecast to record slightly below their seasonal average.

On Monday, the weather will be pleasant almost countrywide with a weak chance during the morning hours of light rain showers in the Kingdom's northern areas, with winds expected to exceed 60 km/h in some areas, which causes dust, especially in the country's southern and eastern areas.

Also on Saturday, mercury in the capital Amman will range between a high of 43 degrees Celsius and a low of 15C at night, while the port city of Aqaba will see a blistering 40C, sliding to 23C during night hours.

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