CDFJ campaign to spread awareness about dangers of hate speech

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) launched a campaign on social media platforms to spread awareness about the dangers of hate speech, urging the public to avoid it.اضافة اعلان

The campaign, which started Tuesday, will continue until March 31. The CDFJ urges social media platforms users to participate and help reach people for the campaign to achieve the desired effect

The center said that people should be able to distinguish what constitutes freedom of expression, as guaranteed by the constitution and international treaties, and what qualifies as violence and hate speech, which is criminalized by law.

The CDFJ urged freedom of expression, which serves democracy and enhances political participation, stressing that freedom of speech is a human right that cannot be violated.

The center also stated that the Rabat Plan offers six factors for national courts to consider when assessing whether a specific instance of speech ought to be prohibited or punished; they are: context, speaker, intent, content or form, extent of the speech, and likelihood — including imminence — of inciting hatred.

It added that among the campaign’s goals is to provide continuous awareness about information provided and figures, and to clarify what constitutes hate speech.

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