Kalam Madina aims to boost tourism through influencers

City talk  City talks
Partcipants speak on the first day of the forum, October 3, which is organized by the Jordan Tourism Board and OMNES Media. (Photos: Twitter)
AMMAN — Kalam Madina Forum, the first of its kind, brought together 500 social media influencers, content creators, and marketing professionals from across the Arab world to present and discuss issues related to marketing and promoting host cities through influencers.اضافة اعلان

Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Nayef Al-Fayez inaugurated the three-day forum on behalf of HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein, under whose patronage it is being held.

The event, which was organized by Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) and OMNES Media, started Sunday evening and is being held at King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center; it is also attended by officials and representatives of various institutions, and personalities involved in the tourism sector.

Fayez said in the opening speech that “we meet at the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, the unique and unparalleled Jordanian tourist destination for thousands of tourists” who come annually from the region and the rest of the world.

JTB Director–General Abdul Razzaq Arabiyat said that “creative content is an integral part of the JTB tools and directions”, and that its “creative team strives to market Jordan’s unique position in global markets”.

Influencers, he said, “are one of our most important means of promoting tourism in Jordan”.

The forum consists of sessions and workshops, as well as special meetings with the most influential Arab personalities.

Monday, media professionals and influencers from various Arab countries tackled the definition and proper application of the influence industry, and a panel discussion on tourism promotion, in which Arabiyat, RJ Sales Director Yasar Al-Majali, Petra Development and Tourism Regional Authority Chief Commissioner Suleiman Al-Farajat, and Jordan Museum Director Ihab Amarin participated.

During the forum, field tours and visits to a the most important tourist sites and destinations in the Kingdom are conducted, with influencers expected to shed light on these tourist attractions, and on the great diversity in the Kingdom through their social network sites.

This is expected to contribute to the promotion of Jordan, in the Arab world and internationally, and to increasing the number of tourists to the country.

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