The King's UN address: A roadmap for the world

2. Khalid Dalal
Khalid Dalal (Photo: Jordan News)
Jordan's foreign policy has been historically consistent, so much so that we cannot find even the slightest deviation from a call for peace, cooperation at every level, joint action against challenges, investment in human development, dialogue, justice, equality, and every lofty human value. The Kingdom's actions on the ground have, over the years, reflected this sincere policy.اضافة اعلان

Jordan has been a peace-loving nation throughout its history: A haven for refugees, a participant in UN peace missions, a mediator to solve outstanding disputes and conflicts, and an advocate in international arenas for the underprivileged and the voiceless, all thanks to the respect our Hashemite leaders have earned and their good intentions to make the world a better place to live in.

His Majesty King Abdullah's recent speech, at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, is a milestone in Jordan's history as a peace-loving nation and a key contributor to a global culture of progress, prosperity, cordial ties, and mutual respect between nations.

In His Majesty's own words, "since our country was founded 100 years ago, we have worked closely with regional and international partners to support peace, progress, and mutual respect worldwide. We know the hardships and difficulties, but we also see the tremendous opportunities to build a better world."

If the world is not willing to act upon these words of reason and wisdom, there will be no light at the end of the tunnel because, simply put, the future relies on this international synergy to step into the future the world's inhabitants aspire to.

If the big players do not act and set, as part of a collective action, the globe's scale of priorities, the suffering, injustice, inequality, occupation, global warming and its catastrophic consequences, arms races, economic meltdowns, poverty, lack of opportunity, famines, pandemics, wasted chances, and every aspect of misery will remain present or lurking around the corner.

King Abdullah gave a long list of urgent issues that should top the world's agenda, starting with the longest military occupation in the modern world, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands, and the dangers surrounding the Arab-Islamic identity of Jerusalem as a result of the occupation state's unjust and aggressive policies.

The situation in Lebanon, which is struggling with the worst economic crisis in its history, the suffering of the refugees and the battle against extremism and terrorism, which, by the way, is far from over, were also on the list. Naturally, Jordan has always been willing to help address these challenges. The King cites, for example, the Aqaba Process, aimed at addressing the problem of extremism through a holistic approach. "We have helped bring together concerned leaders to coordinate, exchange best practices, develop new strategies and more," he said.

Unsurprisingly, a leader of the caliber of King Abdullah, with his pro-humanity approach, dedicated a good part of his speech to talk about the need for orchestrated efforts to tackle the climate change challenge. This phenomenon threatens our very existence and the life of the future generations, as it will erase every achievement the human race has made so far, unless it is stopped. "If humanity faced no other threats at all," His Majesty said, "we would still need to unite to face the most existential of our time, the global climate crisis. ... No country can combat climate change on its own. And that is a powerful reminder of the need to develop new ways to respond as one world, one humanity, to all the crises and challenges we face."

Acclaimed American novelist, Jonathan Earl Franzen, has once said: “If collective action resulted in just one fewer devastating hurricane, just a few extra years of relative stability, it would be a goal worth pursuing." That's what we all should bear in mind, and act accordingly, for a better future for all.

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