UK minister urges respect for Jerusalem's status quo arrangements

Al-Aqsa Mosque. (Photo: Flickr)
AMMAN — The UK has called for de-escalation and respect for the current status arrangements for the holy sites in Jerusalem. The move comes amidst escalating tensions after Israeli forces violently raided Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam.اضافة اعلان

According to the Jordan News Agency, Petra, the UK has emphasized its "appreciation for Jordan's important role as custodians of the holy site".

James Cleverly, UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, called on all parties to respect the historic status quo arrangements at the holy sites of Jerusalem and to cease all provocative actions.

Cleverly emphasized that London is a strong supporter of religious freedom and belief, and called for places of worship to be respected.

Condemnation"We value Jordan's important role as custodian of the holy sites in Jerusalem and condemn the Israeli police violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque," Cleverly said.

He urged Israel and the Palestinian Authority to take steps to honor the commitments agreed at Sharm Al-Sheikh and Aqaba. Cleverly concluded that "peace will only be sustainable if both the Israelis and Palestinians recommit themselves to a negotiated settlement, leading to a two-state solution of a secure Israel side-by-side with a viable Palestinian state."

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