96% of Saudis agree that Arab countries should break all ties with Israel

(Photo: M Zaedm, Unsplash)
WASHINGTON — An opinion poll conducted by The Washington Institute with a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Saudi citizens found that 91 percent of Saudis agree with the statement that “Despite the destruction and loss of life, this war in Gaza is a win for Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims.” اضافة اعلان

 As for the role of the broader Arab world, almost all (96 percent) agree with the proposal that “Arab countries should immediately break all diplomatic, political, economic, and any other contacts with Israel, in protest against its military action in Gaza, Khaberni reported.

While Hamas as a movement remains unpopular among the majority of Saudis—in contrast to a new trend of widespread popular support in countries like Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt—just 16 percent of Saudis say that “Hamas should stop calling for the destruction of Israel, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution to the conflict based on the 1967 borders.” 

However, 95 percent responded that Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, was not sought out to kill Israeli civilians on Oct. 7.

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