260 Palestinians arrested in 4 days amid humanitarian truce

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GAZA — The Palestinian Prisoners Club reported that while the exchange agreement for releasing detainees from Israeli prisons is underway, the Israeli Occupation Forces are conducting arrests in the West Bank during the temporary truce.اضافة اعلان

Amani Srahanah, the media officer at the Prisoners Club, stated on Monday, "Israeli authorities carried out a series of arrests in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, during the four days of the humanitarian truce, affecting 260 Palestinians, Khaberni reported.

Srahanah highlighted that this is part of "a campaign involving raids on Palestinian cities and towns, accompanied by acts of sabotage and assaults on detainees and their families." She emphasized that Israel has arrested 3,260 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7.

She pointed out, "Detainees are being interrogated by Israeli intelligence officers, with some being released after hours or days, while others are transferred to administrative detention (without charges) or face trial."

It is anticipated that Israel will release the fourth and final batch of the prisoner exchange deal with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) this evening. Upon completing the process, Israel will have released 150 Palestinian prisoners from its jails in exchange for Hamas releasing 50 Israeli civilians.

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