Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Arguments may not be necessary. Perfect harmony can be achieved if you are willing to listen to your intuitions and give your inner child the ability to express themselves. You might easily go overboard to impress someone.اضافة اعلان

Check the odds before you spin the roulette wheel. You could be fond of making extravagant gestures. Don’t let your enthusiasm for social activities or the desire to be the center of fun cause you to take risks.

GEMINI: There might be a little voice nagging or reminding you of your mistakes. You could have allowed those old issues to drag you from the life you want. Take the steps you need to understand and your inner self for forgiveness.

CANCER: You cannot obtain your desires unless you are willing to tell loved ones about your dreams. Meet up with the perfect partner to achieve your long-term objectives and find a way to accomplish your mutual goals together.

Your idealistic and spiritual side could be enhanced, but increased sensitivity might make this a time to avoid unhappy people or stressful surroundings. Extend your idealism to your business or financial ambitions.

VIRGO: A new friendship might be emerging on your social horizon, but try to avoid making snap judgments until all the facts are in. Offering empathy or displaying compassion can work wonders on possibly sticky situations.

LIBRA: Education is the one thing you can get that cannot be taken away. You might make some headway with your ambitions by finding a new mentor or volunteering your time to gain some valuable experiences.

SCORPIO: Other people may be happy to share knowledge, but blaze the trails that you can only follow. You may yearn to have more freedom or to fly solo. Practice hops could be necessary before you can reach the lead position.

SAGITTARIUS: Ignorance can really be bliss. Sometimes it can be what you do not know or refuse to acknowledge that could keep you out of hot water. Worrying about what people might think could sap the strength of a relationship.

CAPRICORN: Discovering creative ways of using the latest information can tempt you to act independently, and without consulting a partner or your loved ones. You may learn about ways to leverage money for your benefit.

AQUARIUS: Your loved ones or companions may be filled with drive and determination that might rub off on you. Listen to your intuition about monetary affairs and communicate your feelings or needs with your loved ones.

PISCES: The life you are living is your feedback loop. If you listen to sad stories or songs, you could end up melancholy. If you listen to upbeat music or surround yourself with kind people you can end up an optimist.

IF AUGUST 19 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You may find a restful plateau where you can be at peace with yourself as the next seven to eight weeks roll by. Living up to your highest ideals and enjoying the realm of unlimited possibilities might infuse you with energy and enthusiasm. September might be a suitable time to put a health regimen into place or make lasting and permanent changes. Refocus on responsibilities and duties in October and November when your work and conduct could be under more scrutiny from superiors. Exercise self-discipline and follow the rules, but do not initiate anything new. In December do not fool yourself into thinking that everything is as it appears since there could be hidden depths to someone or something. Late January, when you may potentially be wiser than usual, could be the best time to make financial and personal decisions.

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