Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Gossip might sometimes feel harmless until the day you end up on the other end of the grapevine, desperate for people to stop spreading around your business. Be the one who can stop the growth of unkindness.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Follow your passion and enthusiasm. When you work towards something you love doing, you could be eager to get back to it after a break. Activities that can excite your interest may be the most satisfying and successful.

You may not be able to escape your duties, but you can manage them with good grace. Be grateful that someone might recognize your struggles and values your persistence. Do your best to make amends for past mistakes if confronted.

CANCER: When playing the game of life some people might play a more cutthroat strategy, but at some point, these tactics can collapse the game. Keep your own hands clean and avoid taking short cuts that could keep you up at night.

LEO: Remain patient and take the more scenic route when you can. Financial security may need to be built up over time. You could watch your small wealth pile up and see your dedication to your duties pay off in the end.

VIRGO: Compliments and praise could make things run more smoothly with loved ones as well as with business contacts and could put you in an advantageous position for bargaining. Retaliation can offer very few rewards.

LIBRA: Try not to take people for granted and leave nothing unsaid. When something is explained without all the details it could end up causing a misunderstanding. Use your connections or contacts to help you get ahead.

SCORPIO: You may not rest until you have an answer and learn everything you can know. Something or someone might be on your mind even when you wish you could just forget. You might long to grow closer to someone who empowers you.

SAGITTARIUS: You can be the commander of your own finances. It may not be necessary to spend your money just to make a favorable impression. Use your understanding of how money works to turn a profit and accumulate more wealth.

CAPRICORN: You may think you are standing strong against a hurricane, but if you do not pay attention, you could feel the ground slipping away. Bravado is not enough to create a solid foundation that can support you through the storm.

AQUARIUS: Extra expenses could crop up when you least expect it and affect your financial security if you are not careful, so keep a watchful eye. Be wise and focus on the details and try to pay all your bills in a timely manner.

PISCES: Don’t become comfortable in the armor of defeat. Letting go of pain might not be easy but walking away from the shelter of cynicism could be liberating. Phantom pain can only hurt you if you allow it.

IF JULY 20 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the impending two weeks you may choose peace at any price and feel younger than your years. Lock in this sense of well-being by initiating good habits that can make a permanent improvement in your health and happiness. You may daydream and fantasize in August and yearn for romantic experiences, so take a vacation or spend more time on a creative hobby. In late August and early September, you might be easily fooled by appearances, making this a poor time to make major changes or decisions. Remain skeptical of anyone new who tries to worm their way into your affections. Burn off excess energy in September and October by focusing on constructive activities. You could be clever with business and financial affairs in November, a potentially ideal time to reassess investments and business schemes.

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