Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You might be satisfied with something borrowed or handed down but could also find yourself infatuated with new. Ask yourself if you can receive lasting joy from an investment of your resources now.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Your social life could start ticking along faster. Unanticipated invitations or guests could come your way. Hold on tight to what you already have if unexpected attractions threaten to shake up your foundation.

GEMINI: To create true intimacy, you must share your mind as well as body. If you want a relationship to work on the highest levels, clearly outline your goals and share your most compelling thoughts with someone special.

CANCER: Most earthquakes are followed by aftershocks. A recent financial shakeup may make you question your decisions. Your tastes could change, or you might be attracted to something unusual only because it is unique.

LEO: If someone intrudes on your daily routine, you may realize that the hardest jobs are completed enough, and that you are free to socialize. Rest assured that your special someone should still adore you even if you are briefly separated.

VIRGO: What you hoped to buy yesterday may not be available today. If you stick to practical business tactics and intelligent financial strategies, you should not go wrong. A prayer could be answered but in an unexpected way.

LIBRA: Meeting someone new could shake things up. You can remain loyal to a partner but still enjoy making new friends. You might see advantages as well as drawbacks to a new friend’s unusual ideas and unique perspective.

SCORPIO: Uncertainty can be a blessing in disguise. You might fear making a commitment because someone else may change their mind. Your love life might be exciting but could be unpredictable — keep your options open.

SAGITTARIUS: Trends can go as quickly as they come and unique new treats may only provide momentary pleasures. Think about sharing simple, homemade delights with loved ones that build lasting memories.

CAPRICORN: Anything you own that is not maintained properly can break down under pressure or when misused. It might sometimes be necessary to cut corners, but it does not make sense to scrimp on your tools or necessities.

AQUARIUS: Most of your current doubts and suspicions could soon be laid to rest. It may be time to reach outside your own box to entertain other viewpoints. Put your faith in a friend or gather opinions to understand the group consensus.

PISCES: You could be able to put away more money if you cut back on spending. Make time to examine your budget and consider omitting luxuries that won’t be missed overall, then reward yourself with a fun little treat.

IF APRIL 20 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Take pride in being responsible and realistic as the next two to three weeks unfold so that you can realize your material goals. You might be a perfectionist because you refuse to bend the rules while deep inside you dream of something bigger and better. Your solid work ethic could be rewarded in May with an offer or opportunity for advancement. Do not burn bridges or start a new business but plan ahead by following sound advice. Your romantic nature could be spurred on by a new love interest or a visit to an inspiring vacation spot in June. July may bring a chance to make sensible decisions and assessments, so review your investments and budget while your optimism and foresight should be at a peak. Avoid making key changes or decisions in July and August when you might only see what you want to see and be led astray.

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