Orange FabLab graduates its first cohort of students

(Photo: handout from Orange Jordan)
AMMAN— The first cohort of students graduated from Orange FabLab recently and were feted at an event held at the Orange Digital Village by Orange Jordan in partnership with Luminus ShamalStart, the company said in a press statement on Saturday.اضافة اعلان

Orange FabLab offered free training for 11 students on the most sought-after digital skills, especially the use of the latest machines, tools, and programs, such as technology-aided design and cutting, 3D printing, computer-aided design, robotics, designing, and manufacturing electronic panels and coding.
The students received their certificates after completing the month-long training requirement and delivered their individual and group projects. Orange and Luminus ShamalStart focus on the training’s practical aspects to prepare the youth to work in digital fabrication and innovation, according to the statement.

Orange Jordan’s CEO, Thierry Marigny, congratulated the first cohort of graduates stressing that supporting innovation is at the core of Orange Jordan’s priorities, while digital tools allow for a more effective contribution to economic development and to achieve smart solutions that help in supporting the community.

Luminus ShamalStart Manager Ibrahim Faza extended his congratulations to the students, saying Luminus Group aims to support the youth across different governorates: “We aim to help them in improving their quality of life by providing the necessary tools to build a better future, mainly technical and practical education based on labor market needs, supported with technology and experience."

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