Farmers to protest social security for foreign workers in front of Labor Ministry

2 farmers
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Wednesday, farmers announced their intention to hold a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Labor to protest the decision to include foreign workers under the social security umbrella.اضافة اعلان

According to Jordan24, the Jordan Valley Farmers Union secretary, Jamal Masalha, said that the government’s decision places additional burdens on farmers without any guarantees or regulations that prevent foreign worker from leaving and joining different sectors. 

Masalha added that farmers are suffering from a significant increase in production costs, double what it was in previous years, noting that the fees for work permits and medical examinations are also high.

He also pointed out that there are about 40,000 farmers with subpoenas against them, and the figure would likely double after the suspension of the defense order.

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