Energy commission reviewing possibility of price ceilings on fuel derivatives

Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission is working on setting the price ceiling of one fuel derivative that is not under big consumer demand. (Photo: Pixabay)
AMMAN — Chief Commissioner of the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission Hussein Labboun said that since the beginning of 2022, a consultant has been assigned to review market conditions with regard to oil derivatives, according to Ad-Dustour News.اضافة اعلان

Labboun added that a review of the prices of oil derivatives is expected to be completed by end of February.  The aim of the study is to assess the market with regard to oil derivatives and determine the possibility of new fuel marketing companies entering the Jordanian market.

The Commission is working on setting the price ceiling of one fuel derivative that is not under big consumer demand, as a model for the experiment, which could be jet fuel. He said the price ceiling for this derivative will be completed within 30 days.

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