Average monthly wage in 2019 was JD543

(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Data issued by the Department of Statistics showed that the average monthly wage for both public and private-sector workers in Jordan during 2019 amounted to JD543, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The department said in a statement on the occasion of International Labor Day, which falls on 1 May, that the Jordanian labor movement has achieved substantial progress for more than half a century.

It added that the number of serious injuries at work has decreased as a result of laws regulating public safety.

The department indicated that the number of insured workers with the Social Security Corporation (SSC) rose from 366,000 in 2000 to about 1,327,823 people in 2020.

The statement clarified that despite gains made, there are still many challenges facing the Jordanian labor market, the most important of which is competition of expatriate workers whose numbers have been increasing. Foreign workers compete with Jordanian labor and could deprive them from job opportunities.

Meanwhile, economic participation by Jordanian women remains low, as the revised economic participation rate (the number of economically active women aged 15 years and over divided by the number of women aged 15 years and over) for Jordanian women had reached 14 percent in 2021, which it indicates that one woman out of every 7.14 women was economically active in 2021, compared to one man out of every 1.85 men is economically active in the age group 15 years and over.

The labor movement in Jordan is one of oldest movements in the Arab world. The Jordan Labor Union was established in 1954 and had participated in the founding of the Arab Labor Union.

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