265 pensioners cost SSC JD22 million annually

An undated photo of the headquarters of the Social Security Corporation. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — There are 265 social security pensioners who receive a salary of JD5,000 and above, at a median of JD6,900 each, earning 14 times more than the general average of the collective number of pensioners in Jordan, according to Mousa Al-Subaihi, an insurance and social protection expert, in a post on his Facebook page, carried by Ammon News.اضافة اعلان

Those high-paid pensioners cost the Social Security Corporation (SSC) an annual bill amounting to JD22 million, whereas the average monthly salary that Jordanians receive from the corporation as pension is JD475.

“Those inflated salaries are the result of distortion in the SSC Law,” said Subaihi, because not until the 2014 amendments did the SSC place ceilings on wages subject to pension subscriptions, stipulating that deductible wages must not exceed JD3,000. “This amendment reinstated fairness to the maximum pension an individual could get,” while prior to 2014, the wages subject to SSC deductions stood at five times the median of wages in Jordan.

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