Tourism ministry conducts 17,000 inspection visits in 2021

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities conducted around 17,000 inspection visits last year, Director of Media, Communication and International Cooperation at the ministry Ahmad Rifai said, according to Alghad. اضافة اعلان

Rifai added that the inspection visits caused around 80 tourism establishments to shut down for not adhering to the general safety and health conditions.

However, Rifai stressed that most tourism establishments are committed to the COVID-19 precautionary measures and the health and general safety conditions. 

The inspection visits were conducted to observe the application of the defense orders and the instructions related to them, Rifai added, indicating that the ministry has been emphasizing the importance of adherence to physical distance, mask-wearing, and showing “Sanad” as conditions to enter the tourism establishments. 

Following the government’s decision to ease COVID-19 restrictions as of March 1st, people are able to enter these establishments provided they have taken the two doses of the vaccine without the need for a negative PCR test. 

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