Textile association asks gov’t to tackle post parcels

A general view of a clothes shop storefront in Amman on July 16, 2021. (File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — President of the Textile and Readymade Clothes Syndicate Sultan Allan asked the government to establish how many post parcels each consumer may receive annually, in view of the fact that more and more people are turning to purchasing clothes online, which affects the local clothing sector.اضافة اعلان

Allan told Jordan News that the government’s decision in the matter will help create fair competition, adding that while “it is the individuals’ right to receive postal parcels, it is also our right to have a balanced and fair competition”.

Allan also said that besides deciding the number of parcels an individual may receive in a year, the government should also ensure that the goods received by post are for “personal, and not commercial, use”.

He added that restructuring of the customs tariff is a step that could help the garment sector, but “what we really need right now is to fix the number of post parcels” allowed annually.

“We trust that the positive effect of the restructuring of customs tariffs will be felt when merchants import summer clothes, but a government decision on the issue of parcels will support our sector, which has been going through hard circumstances since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Allan said.

Head of the Amman Chamber of Commerce Khalil Haj Tawfik told Jordan News that merchants are greatly affected by online trading of clothes, and that the government should come up with real solutions in support of the clothing sector “especially when merchants feel that the competition is unfair and that the government should develop strategic plans to support them in their hard times”.

Haj Tawfik said that post parcels have negatively impacted the state treasury as well, “which is why I call on the government to take serious measures to shield the sector from the impact of post parcels”, which, in his view, would contribute to the revival of the economy.

Asaad Qawasmi, representative of the clothing, garment, and jewelry sector at the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, told Jordan News that post parcels are still a “strong competitor for merchants”, calling on the government to take quick measures to help the sector.

Qawasmi said that fees levied on post parcels are very low, compared to those imposed on merchants, “and this clearly shows that the main problem is lack of fairness”.

He also believes that restructuring customs tariffs is not enough, as “merchants are still affected by the impact of post parcels and the repercussions of the pandemic”.

Munir Deyye, merchant and former Textile and Readymade Clothes Syndicate president, told Jordan News that post parcels are not affecting merchants only, but they also take the place of local stores.

He stressed that merchants have to pay high costs and taxes while “taxes imposed on post parcels are low, and this is unfair”.

Deyye said that if the government really wants to support the clothing sector, it should take effective measures that will contribute to protecting merchants from the negative impact of post parcels.

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