Six detained on a JD3 million embezzlement charge

Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption prosecutor on Monday detained six employees from the National Agricultural Research Center accused of embezzling some JD3 million for 15 days pending investigations, according to Ammon News.اضافة اعلان

He also ordered the seizure of their movable and immovable assets and banned them from travel.

Among them is a former general manager, a representative of the Audit Bureau, a financial manager, a project accountant, an internal control official, and the director of the director’s office, charged with embezzlement, abuse of office, wasta, nepotism, and waste of public funds.

According to an Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission source, the detainees had collaborated between 2012 and 2017 to commit forgery and conclude fictitious contracts with researchers and specialists, writing checks in the names of these specialists and cashing them, and hiring relatives who would not actually work.

According to the source, the investigation revealed that the suspects forged the seal of the Audit Bureau to stamp fake invoices and documents.

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