Reciprocity principle to determine relations on industrial imports to Kingdom

4. Zarqa Industrial
(Photo: Jordan News)

AMMAN — Entry of industrial goods to the Kingdom from abroad will be subject to the principle of reciprocity from 2022 for all countries that place barriers to the entry of Jordanian industrial goods.اضافة اعلان

Head of the Jordan Chambers of Industry, Fathi Al-Jaghbir confirmed that the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply Youssef Al-Shamali, informed him that Jordan will adopt this principle as of 2022, according to Al Ghad.

In a statement to the Jordan News Agency, Petra, Jaghbir said that the decision will contribute to supporting Jordanian industry, increasing its competitiveness in export markets, and expanding its market share locally, thereby enabling it to increase its business and investments, and giving it the ability to create employment opportunities for Jordanians.

He pointed out that the principle of reciprocity was one of the most prominent demands from the industrial sector years ago and the necessity of applying it to countries that place obstacles to Jordanian exports that enter their markets.

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