New rallies in Jordan on Nakba anniversary

Jordanians protest against Israeli attacks on Palestinians near the Palestine border (above) and in Rabieh, Amman on Saturday, May 15, 2021
Jordanians protest against Israeli attacks on Palestinians near the Palestinian border on Saturday, May 15, 2021. (Photo: Amir Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN/ KARAMA — Hundreds of Jordanians rallied anew in support of Palestine against Israeli aggression in two major spots in the Kingdom.اضافة اعلان

At around noon, when temperatures reached 35°C, buses carrying people were still seen parading towards Karama near the King Hussein border crossing, as hundreds of Jordanians gathered to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Demonstrators, mostly men in their teens and 20s, gathered in a dusty yard surrounded by security personnel, who used some force to stop protesters making a run for the border. None were successful. A handful of protesters were momentarily arrested and one passed out due to the heat. The young man received medical care from medics in the scene.

“United as one people, not two”, was among the slogans chanted by demonstrators.

Eleven-year-old Kamal told Jordan News that he was protesting against the “Israeli occupation and those who think they can deny Palestinian people their rights”. The child was accompanied by his father and his older brother.

Noon prayers were held in the yard as planned. In a moment of silence, men gathered scraps of paper and cardboard for the group prayers. Once the ritual ended, loud chants were heard again.

Khalid, 50, from Baqaa camp, said that “today we come in support of our brothers in Palestine. I have not forgotten when we were expelled from our homes in Hebron. I am here with my relatives to support those suffering from Israeli injustices and brutality.”

Forty kilometers away, in Amman, hundreds gathered in the area of Rabieh near the Israeli embassy. Mostly upper-middle-class Ammanis answered leftist parties’ calls for anti-Israel demonstrations. The protest saw more women and youth participation.

“My brother was shot and injured yesterday in Jerusalem, he was shot in the leg and that is why I am here protesting against the Israeli aggression in Palestine,” said 22-year-old Jasser.

In Amman, slogans matched those heard in Karama in the Jordan Valley’s Southern Shouneh, where Karama town lies, but with greater emphasis on the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador in Jordan.

“All the people are with Hamas,” “Expel the (Israeli) ambassador”, “Take up arms; it’s the only way,” the protestors chanted.

Jamil Nemri, former MP and secretary-general of Social Democrat Party told Jordan News: “I think that we stand today amid a turning point in the Palestinian struggle and position. Today we see youngsters come in their thousands to support this cause, not only in the capital but across different cities and villages. This further solidifies national unity on the basis that we are all in the same trench fighting a common enemy.”

“What we realize today is that Palestinian intifada is the graveyard for the substitute homeland plan,” Nemri said referring to Israeli right-wing’s call to turn Jordan as a permanent home for Palestinians.

Saturday’s protests mark the anniversary of Nakba, when Palestinians were expelled from their homes in 1948.

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