NCHR calls for ending Israeli attacks on Gaza health sector

NCHR calls for ending Israeli attacks on Gaza health sector
Amman - National Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) called on the international community to "immediately" stop Israel's aggression against Gaza and halt its grave violations committed against the strip's medical sector.اضافة اعلان

The NCHR added that this Israeli aggression mainly targeted medical personnel and featured measures to prevent arrival of medical aid, which constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed against the Palestinian people.

In a statement Sunday, the NCHR stressed that access to health services is an integral part of rights guaranteed by international human rights standards, primarily International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which Jordan has ratified.

On the occasion of World Health Day (WHD), which coincides with the 76th anniversary of establishment of the World Health Organization, the NCHR noted Article 12 of the International Covenant stipulates that States Parties recognize the right of every human being to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and create conditions that would ensure medical services and care for all in the event of illness.

NCHR also noted Public Health Law No. (47) of 2008 and its amendments is the national legislative umbrella for this right, as well as the following regulations and instructions.

In the same context, Child Rights Law No. 17 of 2022 constituted an important step in promoting and protecting the children health right.

Meanwhile, Jordanian Ministry of Health's strategy for the years 2023-2025 featured steps to expand insurance coverage and foster efficiency and adequacy of financial resources management, the statement said.

The NCHR noted this process aimed to control spending, and increase effective and efficient digital transformation and information technology to expand the automation of Jordan's health services.

NCHR also carried out field visits to Jordan's various hospitals and health centers to determine reality of health services provided to individuals, and made the necessary recommendations in its successive annual reports.

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