Medical industries and supplies exports surge by 13.4%

Medical industries and supplies exports surge by 13.4%
Amman - Jordan's medical industries and supplies sector witnessed a significant uptick in exports, soaring by 13.4% during the initial third of the current year 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.اضافة اعلان

According to data released by the Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI), the sector's exports, encompassing human pharmaceuticals, veterinary drugs, pesticides, and medical supplies, surged to JD228 million in the first third of this year, up from JD201 million in the corresponding period last year.

Fadi Al-Atrash, representing the medical industries and supplies sector at the JCI, underscored the sector's robust performance despite challenges such as disruptions in the Red Sea region's logistics.

"The growth in the sector's exports has positioned it sixth in terms of export value and fourth in terms of positive growth among subsectors," noted Al-Atrash.

He highlighted the sector's successful penetration into new markets, particularly in Central Asia, Africa, and Europe. Furthermore, several companies obtained essential certifications, such as the European Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and CE certification, facilitating exports to European markets.

Al-Atrash also pointed out recent initiatives by sectoral factories to establish new production lines for animal vaccines, vitamins, and innovative pharmaceutical forms, including intravenous injections and inhalers. Moreover, the establishment of two GMP-certified pharmaceutical factories is expected to generate additional job opportunities.

The sector's inclusion in Jordan's Economic Modernisation Vision has significantly streamlined procedures, accelerating registration processes and positively impacting export growth in 2024.

The vision aims to further boost the sector's exports to JD2.1 billion, create 16,000 job opportunities, and increase its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to JD1.7 billion by 2033.

Al-Atrash commended the continuous support provided by the Jordan Food and Drug Administration, particularly in automating registration processes and providing contemporary laws and regulations to enhance the industry's development.

The medical industries and supplies sector in Jordan comprises 151 establishments with a registered capital of approximately JD341 million. Additionally, Jordanian factories operate outside the kingdom, with 15 factories located in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Sudan.

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