Marathon for the Elderly launched in Ajloun

(Photo: Pixabay)
AJLOUN — On Tuesday, in celebration of the International Day of the Elderly, the activities for the first Ahl al-Himma marathon for the Elderly were launched in Ajloun Governorate, which was organized by Jozor Al Kheer Association, with the support of the Ahl al-Himma Forum and the Jadara Charitable Initiative. اضافة اعلان

Khaled Al-Jabour, the governor of Ajloun, who sponsored the launch of the marathon, stressed the importance of this initiative, which aims to honor the elderly, who have made great sacrifices during their journey, their education for their children, and their unconditional generosity during all periods of their lives, indicating the importance of implementing more of these initiatives. 

The head of Ahl al-Himma Forum, Abdullah al-Hasanat, said that this marathon alligns with the royal vision of supporting and caring for the elderly, and is based on thenational role of Ahl al-Himma Forum to contribute to providing all forms of support, care, and community participation. 
The marathon aims to motivate the elderly to carry out voluntary work that creates a state of vitality for them, enhances their physical capabilities and revitalizes them, he added. 

The head of Jozor Al Kheer Association, Khawla Al-Momani, indicated that the goal of the event is to involve and strengthen the role of the elderly in order for them to continue to build, achieve and confirm their roles in life, in addition to helping some get rid of depression and isolation caused by Covid pandemic, allowing them to be active in society. 

The event, which was attended by the directors of public institutions and NGOs, included a short tour of the Ajloun Forest Reserve and a walk near the Eshtafina Triangle, in addition to a cultural program that include cultural competitions and national songs. 

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