Jordan ranked 62nd most peaceful country - GPI

Jordanian flag Amman
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Jordan advanced 6 positions on the Global Peace Index (GPI), issued by the Institute for Economics and Peace, now occupying the 62nd place globally, Ammon News reported.اضافة اعلان

The Institute's GPI is based on what it calls the “negative peace scale” for each country, which measures ongoing local and international conflicts, their role, and the duration of their involvement in these conflicts.

Then it measures the level of harmony and discord within each country based on data that assesses personal safety, social security, crime rates, terrorist activities, violent protests, harmony in relations with neighboring countries, political stability, and the percentage of internally displaced or refugee populations in neighboring countries.

The Institute also relies on other indicators related to the military situations of each country and their arms acquisition. Data about military expenditures for each country as a percentage of GDP, the number of military personnel, and the state's financial contributions to United Nations peacekeeping missions are measured.

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