IEC has mandate over political parties' administrative, legal, financial affairs

Independent Election Commission. (File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of State for Political and Parliamentary Affairs Musa Al-Maaytah said on Monday that the financial contribution system is what determines the mechanism and method of financing political parties, and that the Independent Election Commission (IEC) will be responsible for following up on the parties' administrative, legal and financial affairs, according to Ammon News.اضافة اعلان

Maaytah said during a discussion of the parties’ draft law that the government monitors the budget and approves the financial system, but the commission will have full responsibility for these issues.

He added that the funding authority will be transferred from the Ministry of Political Affairs to the IEC, noting that the IEC’s law will be amended in line with the constitutional amendments and the Political Parties Law.

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