House should reconsider media ban on budget sessions — Rased

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Rased Center on Tuesday expressed concerns about a decision by the Lower House Finance Committee to hold all sessions on the 2023 general budget behind closed doors without a media presence, calling on the committee to re-evaluate the decision, Jo24 reported.اضافة اعلان

Rased,a civil society organization that focuses on activating civic participation in local and national decision-making and promoting government transparency, indicated that parliamentary work “must be consistent with the standards of transparency, disclosure, and making information available to citizens through… the media”.

Holding closed sessions would “widen the gap between citizens and Parliament”, it said. Furthermore, the decision “is not consistent” with the comprehensive modernization of the Jordanian government, which requires transparency “as an approach rather than a luxury”, especially since parliamentary work is already based on the principle of clarity and transparency about political processes.

The center decried the move to “establish a policy of closed doors before citizens” and limit the accessibility of information, especially “at a time when we are striving to restore confidence in legislative institutions”.

“We recommend a review of the decision of the Finance Committee, which should reopen the sessions for media and civil society institutions to attend."

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