Foreign ministry condemns Houthi takeover of US embassy compound in Sanaa

Foreign ministry
(Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the Houthi militia’s seizure of the US embassy compound in Sanaa. The embassy suspended its work in the Yemeni capital in 2015.اضافة اعلان

During the seizure, embassy property was looted and vandalized, in addition to detaining and mis-treating many Yemeni employees and members of their families, who continued to provide attention to the US embassy after its work was suspended.

In a statement Saturday, the ministry's official spokesperson, Haitham Abul Foul, expressed the Kingdom's condemnation and denunciation of these acts and practices, which are a "flagrant" violation of diplomatic laws and customs, and a "heinous" attack on the sanctity of diplomatic missions' buildings and immunity.

Abul Foul stressed the need for the "immediate and safe" release of all detainees, to leave the embassy compound, and return what was looted.

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