Focus is on stopping escalation in Palestine — FM

Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi holds talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington on Monday (Photo: Foreign Ministry)
Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi holds talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington on Monday (Photo: Foreign Ministry)
AMMAN — Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi held talks on Monday with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, which focused on the serious conditions in the city of Jerusalem and the efforts aimed at stopping the escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories.اضافة اعلان

The two ministers also discussed strengthening the strategic relationship between the two countries and regional developments.

In joint press statements with Blinken ahead of the talks, which took place at the headquarters of the US State Department, Safadi said that Jerusalem is a red line and that efforts are now focused on stopping the escalation in the holy city, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.

Safadi said that efforts were being made to deal with the extremely dangerous situation in Jerusalem, adding that preserving stability and peace in the city is essential to the stability of the region.

The focus now is on stopping the escalation, Safadi added, as quoted in the statement, and for that to happen, all illegal and provocative Israeli practices against Palestinian citizens of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the violations at Al-Haram Al-Sharif must stop.

Safadi added in his remarks that the historical and legal status in Jerusalem and its holy sites must be preserved, and the rights of Palestinians must be respected in order to control the situation.

He stressed the need to focus efforts on creating a political environment conducive to achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace that meets the rights of all parties based on the two-state solution.

However, the priority today, according to Safadi, is to stop the escalation and ensure respect for the international law, the right of Palestinians, and the right of Muslims to pray in the mosque.

Safadi said that the United States has a leadership role in efforts to achieve peace and stability that all want, through peace as a strategic option and the two-state solution as the way to achieve it.

Safadi underlined the strength of the Jordanian-American strategic partnership, adding that he looked forward to constructive and useful talks with Blinken on ways to enhance the strategic partnership between the two allies at this critical stage.

The relationship between Jordan and the United States is a historic partnership, he said, voicing Jordan's appreciation of the support that the United States provides to help the Kingdom address challenges facing it.

He said that His Majesty King Abdullah looks forward to his upcoming visit to the United States and to a meeting with President Joe Biden to discuss ways to strengthen the partnership for the benefit of the two countries and to enhance security and stability in the region.

Safadi said that his talks with Blinken would also address the cooperation between the two countries in combating terrorism, supporting Iraq, and efforts to reach political solutions to the crises in Syria, Libya, and Yemen.

For his part, the US state secretary stressed the necessity of stopping escalation and all provocative actions, calling on all parties to reduce escalation and tension, and take practical steps to calm the situation.

Blinken stressed the solidity of the Jordanian-American relations, pointing out that Jordan is aware that President Biden is an old and strong friend. He said Jordan is the closest US' partner in dealing with many of the challenges both countries face in the region.

During the talks, the two ministers affirmed their utmost keenness to enhance consultation and cooperation in various fields and in order to achieve the common goal of enhancing security and stability and achieving peace.

During his official visit to the United States, Safadi held talks with the Chairman of the National Security Council, Jake Sullivan, which focused on the alarming developments in Jerusalem, as well as bilateral relations and regional developments, the Foreign Ministry said
Safadi and Sullivan stressed the necessity of continuing work to stop the escalation, reviewing developments in the region and stressing work to resolve regional crises and achieve security and stability.

Safadi and Sullivan stressed the strength of the Jordanian-American relations and keenness to develop them in all fields.

Also on Monday, Safadi held talks with the French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to discuss the dangerous conditions in Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Safadi stressed the need for the international community to act immediately to stop the Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Sharif, protect the right of the people of Sheikh Jarrah to their homes, and provide protection for the Palestinian people.

Safadi warned of the repercussions of what is happening on the security and stability of the entire region, appreciating France's position on rejecting the deportation of Palestinians from their homes, and call for adhering to international law and preserving the historical and legal status in Jerusalem. He also commended Paris' rejection of Jewish settlements and other illegal steps that violate international law and the rights of Palestinians and push the region towards more escalation and tension.

Safadi and Le Drian discussed international efforts to stop the escalation in Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories, and they agreed to continue coordination and consultations.

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