CPF, Dutch institute to establish training program

CPF Dutch Insitute
(Photo: Petra)
The Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) in Jordan to roll out youth-oriented leadership and training programs.اضافة اعلان

The memorandum, which was signed by Tamam Mango, CEO of the CPF, and NIMD’s resident representative in Amman, Rami Adwan, will train around 300 young men and women who are currently enrolled in the CPF’s programs.

Adwan said that NIMD is happy to conclude this partnership with the CPF, stressing that both sides will work together to prepare young activists for positive participation and to contribute to addressing issues of concern to them through effective public action tools and by pursuing a culture of dialogue.

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