COVID-19 vaccine will likely become seasonal —Belbisi

Man receives vaccination
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Secretary-General of Epidemiological Affairs at the Ministry of Health Adel Al-Belbisi said 63 percent of citizens aged 18 and above received one dose of vaccine and 57 percent got two jabs, predicting on Saturday on Al-Mamlaka TV that getting the COVID-19 vaccine will likely become part of the national vaccination program, and “most probably, a seasonal vaccine.”اضافة اعلان

Belbisi also said that “it is essential for individuals over 18 years of age who had their second shot more than six months ago to proceed with the booster vaccine”.

The Ministry of Health has started giving the third shot, cautioning that immunity begins to weaken six months after receiving the second shot and urging people to take the third shot to boost their resistance to the virus.

The ministry said it is preferable for people to get a booster of the same vaccine they had received, unless they suffered from severe side effects, in which case “it is possible to substitute that type with another.”

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