BDS in Jordan shifts: from seasonal to full product avoidance

Opting for Arab and local alternatives, Jordanians reject occupation-supported products

An extremely dramatic and detailed image depicting a Jordanian person standing in a supermarket aisle, holding a canned food item covered in thick red
(Photo: Ai-Generated)
AMMAN – On Saturday, boycott campaign activists against the Israeli occupation asserted that the boycott has shifted from a seasonal phase to a stage of completely avoiding products due to the availability of Arab and local alternatives, Jo24 reported.اضافة اعلان

The boycott has become a new form of resistance as citizens now firmly believe it is an effective support for the resistance.

Activists pointed out that Western companies being boycotted have resorted to implementing attractive offers. However, citizens reject these temptations, adhering to the principle of boycott.

They emphasized that these campaigns have also supported national products as alternatives to those of companies supporting the occupation, contributing to improving the image of local industries.

Zaid Hamad, a member of the the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, confirmed that citizens have reached the stage of discontinuing products from Zionist supporting companies. They are now seeking Arab alternatives.

He emphasized that the responsibility now lies on national companies to continuously develop their products to maintain customer loyalty.

Hamad urged the Jordanian government to support national companies by reducing tax burdens and providing facilities to compete with foreign products. He called on political parties, unions and civil society to intensify campaigns and support the boycott.

Shurooq Toumar, another activist in the BDS movement, stated that boycott campaigns have evolved recently due to the magnitude of events. The civilian response multiplied due to media campaigns and the uncovering of companies supporting the occupation.

The atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation have widespread fueled anger. The expression of this anger came through adhering to the decision to boycott, leading to success of the campaign.

Toumar pointed out that continuous improvement of local products will lead to the discontinuation of foreign products, as well as encourage investors to support existing local businesses.

Majd Al-Faraj, a member of the Ataharak movement, stated that civilians now consider boycotting as a third weapon to support resistance. He expressed hope for the continuation the boycott after the end of the war, urging the government to support national companies.

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