8,454 inmates released under pardon law-Official

8,454 inmates released under pardon law-Official
Amman - Chief Public Prosecutor, Yousef Dhiabat, said General Pardon Law No. 5 of 2024 freed 8,454 inmates from Jordan's correctional and rehabilitation centers.اضافة اعلان

During a press conference on Sunday, Dhiabat noted 181 female inmates in correctional centers benefited from this law, in addition to 25 juveniles and 426 people of foreign nationalities.

Dhiabat also noted State Security Court (SSC) released 2,648 inmates, of whom 2,264 were freed completely, while 384 others were partially released under the law.

Dhiabat stated that the public prosecution departments in the Kingdom continue to drop penalties for crimes covered by the general amnesty law and stop e-subpoenas for wanted persons.

As of the evening of April 6, he said a total of 14,548 cases benefited from this law and 14,964 pending lawsuits were dropped.

Dhiabat pointed out that the Kingdom's public prosecution departments are still implementing provisions of the General Amnesty Law.

So far, he announced 8,454 inmates were freed from correctional and rehabilitation centers under this law, 4,861 people of whom were completely released, and 3,593 others benefited partially.

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