Despite eased registration, 4 nurseries licensed

(Photo: Envato Elements)
AMMAN — Since instructions for licensing nurseries attached to people’s homes went into force on July 16, 2021, only four registered, said the spokesperson of the Ministry of Social Development, Ashraf Al-Khrais.اضافة اعلان

Eight more applications are being processed, but the registration is not complete yet, Khrais said. He said that registration could be done in person, or electronically through the ministry’s website.

Home nurseries, as they are widely called, are day-care centers headed mostly by women. Some launch the business in a room, or two in their homes, rather than seek independent quarters.

It was not immediately clear how many “home nurseries” there are in Jordan, but they are believed to be in the dozens.

“Licensing home nurseries is free of charge, and there is no financial cost involved to facilitate the licensing process, and ensure an increase in registration,” Khrais told Jordan News.

“The instructions and registration terms for home nurseries stipulate that the home nursery be located in a residential area, and afar from health hazards, warehouses of flammable materials and high-pressure lines,” he noted.

“It should not be located in a low area susceptible to floods or building collapse, and that it be on a ground floor or a floor that has an emergency exit,“ he added, outlining the terms of licensing nurseries.

“The nursery should also provide necessary environmental conditions like a sun room, and the right conditions for children with disabilities,” he added.

He said the caregiver must meet specific conditions, “have the physical and psychological ability to deal with children, hold a disease-free certificate, and have a Tawjihi certificate as a minimum and an approved training certificate.”

“The number of children allowed to be present in a home nursery is five, as a maximum, if their age groups are less than two years, and a maximum of seven children, if their age group is two to four years,” he said.

Lina Salaa, owner of Safety Umbrella nursery in Marj Al-Hamam, recalled her own experience starting a day-care center for children, away from her home, in 2019.

“The registration process took almost a year, a time needed to get all the approvals from different concerned departments such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development, Greater Amman Municipality, and others,” Salaa told Jordan News.

“Although the registration process took a lot of time and was frustrating at times, I totally agree with the need to get all the approvals and to pay attention to the small detail,” she added.

She pointed out that she is against the so-called “home nurseries” whether they are registered or not. “They are part of a house, and any kind of supervision is impossible,” she explained.

“There is no way of controlling them, even with regular visits by the ministry’s cadres,” she said. “Monitoring cameras are only put in the room where the kids are, and not in the rest of rooms, unlike official nurseries, where cameras cover every room.”

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