Mali strongman tasked with naming new prime minister

Malian riot police keep supporters away from the vehicle of new President of Mali’s transitional government Assimi Goita as he returns from Accra after a meeting with the ECOWAS representatives on May
Malian riot police keep supporters away from the vehicle of new President of Mali’s transitional government Assimi Goita as he returns from Accra after a meeting with the ECOWAS representatives on May 31, 2021. (Photo: AFP)
BAMAKO — Malian strongman Colonel Assimi Goita returned home on Monday after West African leaders condemned a recent coup that cemented his grip on power and tasked him with naming a new prime minister. اضافة اعلان

Dozens of supporters greeted Goita on his arrival, an AFP journalist said.

At a crisis summit in Ghana, the ECOWAS leaders condemned a recent coup — the second in nine months — but stopped short of reimposing sanctions on the volatile Sahel country.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) decided to suspend Mali from the 15-nation bloc.  

And the regional leaders urged Goita, an ex-special forces commander, to appoint a new civilian prime minister and to form a new “inclusive government”. 

J. Peter Pham, a former US envoy to the Sahel, said that ECOWAS had acquiesced to a “fait accompli” and had tacitly recognized Goita as the head of state. 

The colonel first came to international attention on August 18, when he led the army officers who overthrew Mali’s elected president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita for perceived corruption and his failure to quell a bloody militant insurgency.

After the takeover, the military agreed to appoint civilians as interim president and prime minister under pressure from ECOWAS.

But in a move that provoked diplomatic uproar, soldiers last week detained transitional president Bah Ndaw and prime minister Moctar Ouane, releasing them on Thursday while saying that they had resigned.

Mali’s constitutional court completed Goita’s rise to full power on Friday by naming him transitional president.

No sanctions 

The United States and France have both threatened sanctions in response to the second coup. 

ECOWAS refrained from doing so, despite having imposed a trade and financial embargo on Mali after the coup in August. 

Nor did the West African bloc call for the reinstatement of transitional president Bah Ndaw. 

ECOWAS is still pushing for Mali to transition to civilian rule under a previously agreed timetable, however. 

The bloc suspended Mali from ECOWAS until February 2022, “when they are supposed to hand over to a democratically elected government,” Ghana’s Foreign Minister Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey said after the meeting. 

Mali’s junta said last week that it would continue to respect that timetable, but noted that it could be subject to change.

With the junta going back on its previous commitment to civilian political leaders, doubts have been raised about this pledge.

French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche newspaper published Sunday that Paris “could not stay by the side of a country where there is no longer democratic legitimacy or a transition.”

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