Israeli soldiers participate in African Lion military drill in Morocco

An IDF contingent of soldiers from the Golani Reconnaissance Battalion in Morocco to take part in the US-led African Lion military exercises on June 5, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)
An IDF contingent of soldiers from the Golani Reconnaissance Battalion in Morocco to take part in the US-led African Lion military exercises on June 5, 2023. (Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — The Israeli army announced on Monday that it would participate in the African Lion military drills in Morocco, beginning today. اضافة اعلان

In a statement, the army said that 12 fights and commanders from the Golani Brigade, Elite Forces, left to participate in maneuvers taking place in Morocco, a huge military exercise in the African continent, Alquds Alarabi Newspaper reported.

In the same statement, it was noted that 18 countries and 8,000 soldiers from the US army, Morocco, and Ghana are participating in the maneuvers.

This is the first time the Israeli army is participating in the maneuvers, the Israeli army highlighted.

In the next two weeks, Golani fighters will focus on practicing various combat challenges that combine infantry warfare in which they specialize in.

The purpose of the maneuvers is to strengthen the relationship between countries and mutual learning between foreign armies.

Israeli soldiers are participating today for the first time in history

Israeli and Moroccan relations
On December 10, 2020, Israel and Morocco announced the resumption of diplomatic relations after its suspension in 2000, after Rabat froze relations due to the second Palestinian intifada.

Since then, both countries have been working to cooperate through military, security, trade, and tourism levels to build normalized relations.

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