Rise in hate speech over Gaza is a defining moment for the world

DALL·E 2023-11-28 20.19.42 - A highly detailed, hyper-realistic 4K wide-angle photograph style illustration depicting 'Rise in hate speech over Gaza is a defining moment for the w
(Photo: AI-Generated)
DALL·E 2023-11-28 20.19.42 - A highly detailed, hyper-realistic 4K wide-angle photograph style illustration depicting 'Rise in hate speech over Gaza is a defining moment for the w

Osama Al Sharif

Osama Al Sharif is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

Israel’s war on Gaza has polarized the world in an inconceivable way; one of its outcomes being the rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Both are extremely dangerous and have led to a spike in hate crimes, especially in the West. According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), there has been an “appalling” rise in reported anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias incidents in the month since violence erupted between Israel and Hamas.اضافة اعلان

 It said that it had received 1283 requests for help and reports of bias in the month since October 7, a 216 percent increase compared to the previous year. The organization said that in 2022 it received an average of 406 complaints in a 29-day period.

 A week after Israel waged war on Gaza, a 71-year-old man stabbed and killed a 6-year-old American Palestinian child and attempted to kill his mother near Chicago. He was charged with murder and hate crimes. Investigators determined the victims were “targeted by the suspect due to them being Muslim and the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict involving Hamas and the Israelis.”

 Earlier this week, three Palestinian university students were shot in Burlington, Vermont, in what authorities described as a "hate-motivated crime". Police characterized the gunman, who was still at large, as "a white man with a handgun.” Police have confirmed that although no official motive has been announced, two of the three young adults shot were wearing the traditional Palestinian kaffiyeh. Two were in stable condition and one suffered more serious injuries.
To portray the Palestinian tragedy and struggle for liberation as a religious war is shameful and insulting.
 Perhaps the most reported case of hate crime was when a former Obama administration adviser, Stuart Seldowitz, was caught on video harassing and insulting an Egyptian halal cart vendor in downtown New York. Several videos captured the former diplomat harassing the vendor about his Egyptian roots and Islamic faith. He was later arrested and is facing one count of aggravated harassment of race or religion and four counts of stalking as a hate crime.

 Many of those marching in support of the Palestinians in the US and Europe were harassed and accused of justifying terrorism and supporting Hamas. Some Western governments made things worse by labeling such peaceful protests as anti-Semitic and as “hate marches”.

 Likewise, anti-Semitism cases have spiked since October 7. According to CNN, a wave of global hatred directed against Jews has intensified by Israel’s indiscriminate response in Gaza to Hamas’ attack and killing of Israelis. Reuters reported that the Jewish advocacy group the Anti-Defamation League reported that anti-Semitic incidents had risen by about 400 percent in the two weeks following the 7 October attacks, compared with the same period last year.

 Similarly, there has been a 1350 percent increase in hate crimes against Jewish people in the two weeks following October 7, according to London’s  Metropolitan police. Ade Adelekan, the deputy assistant commissioner, described the rise as “significant” and said Islamophobic offenses in London were up 140 percent over the same period, from 42 in 2022 to 103.

 Social media platforms saw numerous cases of anti-Semitic and Islamophobic hate speech, which often went unreported. The rise in hate speech was fueled by horrific images being shared on social media of the carnage in Gaza, especially where children were involved, and the devastation and loss suffered by Israelis in the South in the wake of the Hamas attack.

 The incendiary language used by a number of Israeli officials, describing Gazans as “human animals” or claiming that “there are no innocent civilians” there as well as suggesting that Israel can drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza or threatening to turn Khan Younis into a parking lot, has added fuel to the fire and stoked anti-Semitism and Islamophobia at the same time.

 Many Israelis, full of rage, have threatened to “kill the Arabs”, while American and European bigots used the Palestine issue as an excuse to express Jewish hatred. This is a case where the two sides are wrong and dangerous.

To portray the Palestinian tragedy and struggle for liberation as a religious war is shameful and insulting.  Hamas, a militant group with Islamist ideology, is not a representative of the Palestinian people. Its 17-year-old rule of the Gaza Strip is both complicated and controversial. Until October 7, its popularity in the besieged strip had reached record lows. Israel has used Palestinian divisions to its benefit with the clear intent of weakening the Palestinian Authority (PA). Likewise, the PA had become a dysfunctional political entity and it too had become unpopular in the West Bank. Palestinians had not voted for a legitimate representative since 2006.
The Palestinian struggle for liberation is about justice, freedom, and the rule of law, and those supporting that right come from all walks of life, from every faith, race, and nationality. The emotional expressions of humanity and empathy towards the suffering of Palestinians, especially in Gaza, are in no way a direct support of Hamas and its strategy. Those who support one side against the other, for whatever reason, should not be used by sinister forces to stoke the fires of hate speech, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia.
 The Palestine/Israel conflict is not a religious one and has never been. Until the Zionist colonization of Palestine, Muslims, Christians, and Jews coexisted peacefully for centuries. The PLO charter calls for the establishment of an independent, secular, and democratic state. Palestinians are against Zionism, not Jews. The now sidelined Palestinian National Council (PNC), which acted as a Palestinian parliament in exile, included Jewish members who were anti-Zionists

 The complexity of the Palestine/Israel conflict notwithstanding, it should never be used by extremists and fanatics on all sides to ignite religious hatred and racist or ethnic slurs. It is unfortunate that the biggest supporters of Israel today are certain branches of US Evangelical Christians whose loyalty towards Zionism is rooted in Biblical beliefs.

 Zionism must not be conflated with Judaism or the Jewish people, and those standing against it, including many Jews, cannot be described as anti-Semites.

 The Palestinian struggle for liberation is about justice, freedom, and the rule of law, and those supporting that right come from all walks of life, from every faith, race, and nationality.  The emotional expressions of humanity and empathy towards the suffering of Palestinians, especially in Gaza, are in no way a direct support of Hamas and its strategy. Those who support one side against the other, for whatever reason, should not be used by sinister forces to stoke the fires of hate speech, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia.

Anti-Semitism is a European scourge that is alien to the people of the Middle East. The Palestinians, of all people, should never be dragged into this distinctively Western syndrome that has resulted in pogroms and massacres of Jews in Europe, only to lead to resolving this at the expense of the Palestinians.

Politicians, academics, influencers, and religious leaders are responsible for calming people. The message must be that supporting the Palestinian right to self-determination is not and should not be perceived as anti-Semitic, just as supporting Israel must not be used to trigger anti-Islamic hate speech.

There are those, powerful individuals and governments, who want to cancel others by labeling them. Hate speech will lead to hate crimes and innocent people will suffer at the hands of bigots and fundamentalists. Sober leadership is needed at all levels to make sure that neither anti-Semitism nor Islamophobia deflects attention from the real issue which is ending the occupation.

Osama Al Sharif is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

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