Compromise and a new look for the state

Fahed Khitan (Photo: JNews)
The recent crisis in the country revealed two basic things. First, Jordan needs a broad reform project and a restructuring of the role of institutions, overseen by the executive branch and supervised directly by the Throne. Every pivotal point in the Kingdom’s history started with the Throne but, in many cases, the lack of follow-through had a negative effect on reformation initiatives. اضافة اعلان

As a result, the problems festered and we lost valuable opportunities to restore the government’s credibility and the poor state of different sectors. 

The political approach that governed the formation of legislative and executive institutions recently has left little impact on the relationship between the state and social powers. It is clear that the policy of appeasing certain groups and components the expense of others has had the opposite of its desired effect and it is evident that a whole new approach is needed.

The first step in this regard should be showing decisive leadership for a new path and having the will to change the status quo by opening up to all the active components of society without exclusion.

The priority in the past was using the constitutional values as a basis for the survival and continuation of our state but now it is time to reevaluate this practice according to a vision that serves the interests of both the people and the Throne, preserving the historical relationship between them without compromising or diminishing the Constitution.

The second thing that was revealed by the crisis is that there is no alternative to compromise at this stage to ensure a quick transition into a new stage. These compromises should be made on both the people’s and authority’s sides so that the change is not a complete revolt against the system but a well-thought-out, gradual process.

There should never be, under any circumstances, tolerance for any disregard of the Constitution or using it for personal agendas. However, through this strict process of reform, care should be taken in some diplomatic regards so as not to alienate any social components or compromise national unity while the final reformed structure is still vulnerable and new.

In the past days, Jordanian citizens have shown an affinity for stability and security more than a desire for vengeance; most of whom have expressed their ambition or improvement and to stop any threats towards their Kingdom. 

The most important lessons here are that a popular consensus on the foundations of the Constitution and the Throne is non-negotiable for Jordanians, that reform will not proceed unless it is led by the King, and that both the people and the Throne will benefit from this.

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