IOA enforce strict siege on roads to Al-Aqsa since Oct. 7

Israeli occupation forces stand near the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on August 7, 2022, amidst Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. (Photo: AFP)
(File photo: Jordan News)
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have implemented a strict and comprehensive siege, closing the roads leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque since October 7, 2023, as reported by the Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) and Islamic Affairs, Mohammad Al-Khalayleh.اضافة اعلان

During a Sunday meeting with the Palestine Committee in the Senate, Khalayleh stated that there has been a decline in the number of worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, with figures reaching only 10 percent compared to the pre-October 7, 2023, numbers, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.

He added that Friday prayers now draw a small number, approximately 5,000 worshippers, compared to the previous 50,000 attendees. The remaining prayers, such as Fajr, see about 5,000 worshippers, and some prayers have an attendance of no more than 120 worshippers due to the imposed siege.

Furthermore, he pointed out that the occupation forces are assaulting the guards and workers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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