333 attacks against West Bank olive harvesters since start of October

west bank olive IOF IDF
(Photo: Twitter/X)
 OCCUPIED WEST BANK – The head of the Colonization & Wall Resistance Commission, Minister Muayad Shaban, stated on Wednesday that Israeli Occupation Forces and settlers carried out a total of 333 attacks against olive harvesters since the beginning of the season in the first week of last month.اضافة اعلان

According to Hala, Shaban stated that Occupation Forces carried out 139 attacks, concentrated in Bethlehem with 40 attacks, Nablus with 36, and Salfit with 21. Settlers carried out 194 attacks, concentrated in the governorates of Nablus with 74 attacks, Salfit with 33, and Hebron with 27.

He pointed out that the occupation forces and settlers prevented citizens from accessing an area of 500,000 dunams of their land, in addition to 200,000 dunams besieged by the occupation in settlements, and 300,000 dunams isolated behind the apartheid wall.

Shaban stated that the current olive season, which coincided with the comprehensive aggression of the occupation on the West Bank and Gaza, was the most difficult and dangerous in recent decades. Settlers exploited the rules of war to commit crimes supported by many policies and legislations that promote attacks, terrorism, and intimidation, especially the closure of governorates, the distribution of weapons to settler militias, and their constant sense of impunity for their crimes.

He added that this season witnessed serious incidents, the most prominent of which was the martyrdom of the citizen Bilal Muhammad Saleh in the village of Sawiya by the bullets of settlers while picking olives. This was in addition to 40 incidents of gunfire and threats with weapons against farmers, 55 physical assault and intimidation incidents, 31 prevention incidents from accessing fields and farms, 38 eviction incidents from fields, and 29 crop theft incidents.

He further stated that 126 attacks were carried out against olive-planted lands in the last season, including 37 incidents of cutting, breaking, and uprooting olive-planted lands, leading to the destruction of a total of 3,852 olive trees concentrated in the governorates of Nablus, Hebron, and Salfit.

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