Algebra Intelligence: Digitizing the energy sector in Jordan

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AMMAN — Finding entrepreneurs with the necessary expertise to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered software solutions with real-world utility for the energy business is exceedingly challenging. But a rising Jordanian startup, Algebra Intelligence, has managed to reserve a spot for itself as a poised AI-based startup transforming the Jordanian energy sector.اضافة اعلان

Ahmad Al-Tawafsheh and his partner, Alaa Al-Ghwiri, founded the startup in July 2020. Only five people were at the company’s core at the time: the two co-founders and three employees. Today, Algebra Intelligence is a workplace for 18 people, ten of whom are working full-time.

According to Rahaf Aryan, Algebra Intelligence’s operations officer, the company enables clients to monitor the amount of energy that is generated from their solar photovoltaic systems as well as their own electricity consumption through an energy management product. This is done through TaQTak, released in 2021, which is available as a mobile application and as a web-based platform. 

TaQTak provides analytics with a real-time dashboard, which enables clients to reduce electricity bills costs by optimizing renewable energy generation and consumption.

“Features such as accurate energy forecasting, predictive maintenance notifications, and efficient ticketing system are all built using technology, thereby enabling businesses to get real-time information and insight,” Aryan said. 

In essence, energy forecasting is comparable to weather forecasting. The system generates highly accurate energy forecasts using machine learning models and algorithms that can spot patterns and insights in massive data sets, as well as anticipate outcomes given specific data inputs. Forecasting not only ensures energy generation predictability but also anticipates energy demand. Improved demand forecasting accuracy can help energy companies make better production decisions. 

It assists end-consumers in lowering utility bills by optimizing household solar systems. Because the application finds remarkable patterns in large amounts of data, it has the ability to prevent power theft and cyber-attacks on important infrastructure such as power plants and grids.

Predictive maintenance is another feature that is recognized for predicting infrastructure failures. It identifies defects and has the potential to replace manual inspection procedures and smart- schedules check-ups for critical energy infrastructure, improving their long-term performance and mitigating downtime revenue loss. 

In March 2021, the startup closed a $310,000 pre-seed funding round led by Oasis500. The investment was used to further develop Algebra’s platform. 

Algebra Intelligence was named one of Forbes’ 10 Sustainable Startups in MENA; a high honor for a company that is only a year and a half old but has already passed significant milestones. ”We didn’t know about this enlisting till after three weeks of it coming out! It was a delightful surprise. It motivated our team, but it also put pressure and responsibility on the team’s shoulder to rise above expectations.” Aryan said. 

Jordan and other developing countries where the underlying infrastructure has yet to be improved, benefit from a greater adoption rate of the digital platform. The startup’s home market is the main target for now as there is a huge number of potential clients still unreached. But expansion into other MENA markets is definitely in the works. According to Aryan, there other products currently being planned which will help revolutionize the energy sector. She is also pleased to see that the startup is increasingly being recognized; as its founders were invited to meet King Abdullah II by the Royal Hashemite Court.

Improving the energy sector is a key element in the fight of climate change. Tawafsheh’s fifteen years’ experience in the energy sector has solidified a fact: energy resources need to be exploited more efficiently. 

Algebra Intelligence team has proved that AI and energy are far more interrelated than people know. The solutions provided will help Jordan overcome energy’s inherently variable and uncertain nature.  

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