Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)

GEMINI: Create opportunities to impress and gain recognition. Be aware of the competition and the changes being made that can interfere with your plans. Think ahead, and prepare to outmaneuver anyone who gets in your way. Stick to the truth to avoid setbacks. اضافة اعلان
CANCER: Do your best to stay out of trouble. Listen carefully and digest information without retaliating. Don't pick a fight or spend time with people eager to upset you. Tidy up unfinished projects, and do something physical to alleviate pent-up energy.

LEO: Be observant, or you may end up in an emotional tiff with someone close to you. Choose your words carefully, and don't dismiss a plea for attention. Nurture what you have, and adjust if it will help to keep the peace.

VIRGO: Address topics of conversation that address pending issues. Let go of the past, and make decisions that will allow you and those affected by the current situation the freedom to do what's best. Choose a positive path, and personal growth will follow.

LIBRA: Find a way to eliminate debt. A reasonable plan can help ease stress and give you something to strive to accomplish. An exciting opportunity will evolve through a networking event or forum you join. An old acquaintance will make a noted suggestion.

SCORPIO: Keep your feelings to yourself. Consider your options for home improvements that will lighten your load physically, emotionally and financially. Living a simple lifestyle will allow you more time to explore and expand your philosophy. Congregate with people who share your beliefs.

SAGITTARIUS: Don't buckle under pressure. Use the experience and knowledge to outmaneuver anyone trying to take over or redirect you. Focus on self-improvement and helping a cause that concerns you. Romance will lift your spirits and bring you closer to someone you love.

CAPRICORN: You are overdue for a change. Gather information and verify facts. Consider how much it will cost to follow a path that excites you, and budget your way through a window of opportunity that brings you high returns.

AQUARIUS: Don't let responsibilities hold you hostage. Prepare to put everything to rest so you can move on to pastimes that offer an ultimate experience. Share your knowledge with someone who has something to offer in return.

PISCES: A financial mistake will limit what you can afford. Don't let anyone handle your financial, medical or legal affairs. Taking a hands-on approach to whatever concerns you will ensure that you come out on top. Leave nothing to chance.

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