Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
TAURUS: Set your sights on what you want, and put thought into how you will get your plans in motion. A discussion with someone in a superior position will help bring about positive change that will encourage new opportunities. Mix business with pleasure.  اضافة اعلان

GEMINI: Use everything available to ensure you do the best job possible. Listen to suggestions and develop ideas that help you cover every potential problem that can surface. Refuse to let anyone lead you astray. Self-improvement projects are favored.  

CANCER: You'll have to do things differently if you want to stand out and outsmart any competition you encounter. A passionate approach to the responsibilities you take on will help you gain respect and encourage financial opportunities. Step outside your comfort zone.
LEO: Forge ahead. Engage in the physical aspect of your responsibilities, and you will feel productive and closer to reaching your goal. Observe what others are doing, but don't feel compelled to follow someone who heads in a different direction than you.  

VIRGO: Speak pointedly and you will resolve issues quickly, leaving more time to socialize and enjoy yourself with friends and relatives. An understanding you have with someone you love will help you decide how or where you live. Romance is encouraged.  

LIBRA: Don't settle for less than what you want and deserve. When one door closes, another will open. Be true to yourself, and go after what you want. It's up to you to take responsibility for your happiness. Make physical improvement a priority.  

SCORPIO: Keep your life simple and meddlers at a distance. Look for the path that satisfies your needs and makes you feel good about where you put your time, money and help. Socialize with people who offer insight and mental stimulation.  

SAGITTARIUS: Act, and get things done on time. An opportunity to spend time with a friend or relative will lead to a reunion with someone you haven't seen for some time. Expect a colorful rendition of someone's life to spark your imagination.  

CAPRICORN: Take precautions to avoid injury or illness. Use your intelligence to ward off an argument. Make adjustments that help you save money. Don't limit what you can do because someone wants you to pay for something that isn't your responsibility.  

AQUARIUS: Think big, but don't go over budget. Pay more attention to how you look and feel by making nutritional habits and fitness routines priorities. Be direct with someone you love regarding your intentions, then make plans.  

PISCES: Look on the bright side -- it will be easier to get things done and win favors from those who have something to contribute to your plan. A positive change regarding money, lifestyle and prospects looks promising.

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