Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Remember to say the right thing at the right time. Being polite and thoughtful can stave off potential misunderstandings. You may need to pay the piper if you give in to temporary pleasures, so remain friendly but try not to lose yourself.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Remain anchored but flexible enough to change when needed. You might realize that what you consider to be a weakness could be a strength. It is not enough to be proficient; you must prove it by sharing your skills with others.

GEMINI: You may pedal as fast as you can but could end up getting nowhere. Consider coasting along for a while. Look inward and reflect on your goals. If you sprint ahead of a coworker or loved one, be diplomatic about your success.

CANCER: You could discover and develop useful insights if you observe a loved one putting together a successful financial plan. Try to become more organized and detail-oriented about handling joint assets and finances.

LEO: Your day can run more smoothly if your good manners are kept in good shape. There may be a tendency for some people to be brash or argumentative. Focus on displaying idealism and putting your best foot forward in group settings.

VIRGO: They say that it always looks darkest before the dawn. Circumstances over which you have no control may be turned to your advantage when the dust settles. Have faith that a loved one or partner will do the right thing.

LIBRA: Some issues may not appear black and white. When dealing with work or questions that straddle the gray areas, you may not be sure what the right choice might be. Today is not the best day to make irrevocable decisions.

SCORPIO: It is fine to visualize something better than what you have but it's best to remain realistic. Dreams should be looked at with the proper perspective. Keep in touch with old friends and new acquaintances.

SAGITTARIUS: A contest should not be taken personally when it is only business. However, some people might take competition to heart. Social interactions may distract you from your original intentions so be sure to focus.

CAPRICORN: Your romantic daydreams can prove costly. Try to avoid becoming obsessed with having something or meeting someone based on a causal glance. A discount is not worth having if you buy something you do not really need or want.

AQUARIUS: You might be tempted to go overboard with spending just to prove a point. You may have some great moneymaking ideas, but a sideline or hobby is not ready for prime time. Try not to waste your time and money for effect.

PISCES: Pushing the wrong buttons could create an undesirable result. You may feel compelled to champion an underdog but could offend someone who sees things differently. It may be better to steer clear of disputes and avoid being evasive.

IF MARCH 14 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You might be more focused on your daydreams and romantic longings than usual as these next two to three weeks pass by. April is a time when you could have good judgment to make wise decisions about a person or the future, or it may give you the strength to ask for sound advice or assistance. Put key plans into motion while you have the opportunity. Do not make crucial decisions or changes in late May when you could be easily distracted and more likely to be fooled by appearances. The second half of July is ideal for a vacation or romantic outing, and a time when you may have more social invitations from friends.

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