Spiritual wellness and learning to find purpose

Finding meaning or purpose in life can be difficult and without it, one may feel lost. This is where spiritual health comes into play. (Photo: Freepik)
AMMAN — Typically, being well means having a healthy balance when it comes to caring for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Of those elements, spiritual wellness is one of the more personal and unique aspects of well-being.اضافة اعلان

Taking care of your physical and mental health is typically standard protocol, while caring for your spirituality is more holistic, catered to you, and differs from one person to the next.

The essence of spirituality comes from your core beliefs, and your connection to the things that are meaningful to you and how you channel that connection.
It plays a crucial role in how difficult situations are handled and how you cope with life’s many inevitable challenges.

Spirituality can mean something different from one person to the next. To many people, spiritual healing is just as important as traditional medicine.

Seeking a meaningful relationship with something bigger than us can provide feelings of peace, gratitude, and acceptance.

Spirituality often refers to your inner self and what you make of the world around you. Every person has a different way of defining their spirituality through values, ethics, religious faith, beliefs, and morals.

Taking care of your spiritual health leads to a greater sense of purpose and feeling of overall peace and tranquility. However, finding meaning and purpose is a constantly evolving concept, and there are ways in which you can assess your own spiritual wellness and begin your journey to finding your own inner peace. This can be achieved by exercising your spirituality both physically and mentally.

Why is spiritual wellness important?

Finding meaning or purpose in life can be difficult and without it, one may feel lost. This is where spiritual health comes into play.

When dealing with life’s challenges, this kind of wellness can provide you with comfort, strength, and courage to face those challenges without crumbling under pressure.

Using your own experiences and circumstances, spirituality helps you incorporate healthy practices that benefit your mental health and emotional well-being.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people who are in touch with their spirituality often live longer than others. Spiritual beliefs can build communities, bring people together and prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation that commonly cause depression in adults.

Often people with similar beliefs come together and help one another overcome adversity. Feelings of hopelessness associated with depression are often met with a sense of hope that is provided through spirituality.

It provides your life with meaning, which ultimately allows you to have a happier and more positive outlook on life while preventing you from feeling lost, discouraged, and confused.

With time, you learn to cope with problems in a healthier way, reducing your overall stress levels and any mental health complications that may arise from chronic exposure to stress.

Being over stressed can also weaken your immune system, making you more prone to infectious diseases.

Stress can also cause hypertension (high blood pressure), which if left untreated can lead to heart and kidney disease.

Channeling your spiritual health to reduce stress can therefore keep you in great physical and mental shape.

Practices involved in bettering spiritual health can also provide you with immediate gratification. For example, meditation, yoga, and prayer provide an immediate sense of calm and relief.

This can make even the most stressful of times more manageable.

Taking a few moments to reflect, relax, and recover can do wonders for both your physical and mental health.  

Personal reflection

No matter what stage you are in life, it is important to evaluate your spiritual health.

To find out how connected you are with your spirituality, some self-reflection is required.

Assessing your spirituality can be as simple as answering the following questions with yourself.

- What gives my life meaning?
- What gives me hope?
- How do I get through tough times?
- Where do I find comfort?
- Do I make time for relaxation during the day?
- Are my decisions guided by my core values?

If you’re having a hard time providing answers to those questions, this probably means that you need to be more in touch with your spirituality. Since it is a personal journey, no one can tell you how to better your spiritual health. You must let your own experiences and beliefs define what spirituality means to you personally.

Spirituality and religion

Spirituality and religion are two different things. Religion is pretty set in stone, which is quite the opposite of spirituality.

Many people use religion as a crutch, to enhance and better their spiritual health. With Jordan’s population being about 93 percent Muslim and 6 percent Christian, religious beliefs play a huge role in spiritual health.

The teachings and religious traditions act as a rule book, which many people follow and use as guidance.

It impacts values and improves your sense of morality. Religion also acts as a pillar of strength for many, helping them get through tough times. Acts of prayer also bring a sense of immediate calm.

For those reasons, many people use religion to enhance their spiritual health.

How to improve spiritual wellness

When striving to develop and practice your own spiritual wellness, it is best to find the technique and approach that works for you; like the other dimensions of wellness, there is no right or wrong way of bettering your spirituality.

Your journey to spiritual wellness could begin with implementing one or more of the following:

1. Explore your spiritual core. Start by asking yourself questions like the ones provided above to help you find meaning.

These questions will help you think more in-depth about yourself and how to best approach your spiritual health.

2. Look for deeper meanings. Find what gives your life meaning, what drives you to be better, and what helps you feel peace.

3. Get it out. Expressing what is on your mind will help you to maintain a focused mind.

This will often help you make sense of the world around you, preventing feelings of loss and confusion.

4. Try yoga. Yoga is a physical technique that can help improve your spiritual wellness by reducing emotional and physical strains on your mind and body.

5. Travel. Taking time for yourself to travel to a comforting place or somewhere new may also prove to be beneficial.

Traveling does not have to be expensive. You can take a few friends and drive over to the Dead Sea for example. The change in scenery will be great for your spiritual health.

6. Think positively. Try not to allow negative thoughts to take over. Find like-minded people to share your thoughts with.

This allows you to take a step back and view life in a more positive manner.

7. Make time for meditation or prayer. Devote time out of your busy day for reflection and to help your mind slow down for a moment.

Doing so can provide you with a sense of calmness that will carry with you throughout the rest of your day.

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