Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Slow down and take the time to fully understand what you wish to accomplish. There can be a risk of things getting garbled if you are in a rush. Trying to do everything at once could mean it may be done incorrectly or not done at all.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Impress your boss, colleagues, or the world at large with your original ideas and expertise. You can cut through the technological jargon to understand or use complicated tools that could stop other people in their tracks.

Now may not be the time to start a new relationship. If problems arise do your best to keep a cool head while you work through them. You might be given the perfect opportunity to develop your plans.

CANCER: You might be able to cash in on your sterling reputation or launch a new project that could catch on with the general public. Tweak your household budget or financial plan so that you can have a more solid foundation.

LEO: If lots of things are going well for you right now embrace sincere gratitude. Enjoy it when you feel like you’re in the right place. Unexpected opportunities may appear in your path, remember to keep an eye out for them.

VIRGO: All you might be hearing right now is grumbling or complaining. It may feel like it has been a long time since your loved one had a good day. Try to remain kind and understanding while they work through their concerns.

LIBRA: There could be some chaotic turmoil going on right now. Step back from the situation if you can and you may avoid controversies. Things will become calmer soon so it might be best to keep your focus on your own work.

SCORPIO: Your desire for success could run parallel with the people you work with. You may benefit from teaming up with colleagues with similar goals. If you place your trust in someone else, you can see the rewards begin to come in.

SAGITTARIUS: Someone may seem trustworthy, but you could end up deceived if you put your trust in them blindly. Take the time to get to know them before giving them your loyalty. Do not walk away from your obligations.

CAPRICORN: Embrace your inner power and take pride in your accomplishments. Try not to become boastful, because someone could be envious and use your past mistakes to criticize you unfairly.

AQUARIUS: If you are willing to ask a question you could receive assistance with a problem that has been impacting your finances. Maintaining a good relationship with opinionated people could be a challenge but can improve with time.

It may feel like everyone wants to make comments about your deficiencies right now. It is up to you to decide what to take in and learn from. Most people could be trying to help so try not to take it personally.

IF AUGUST 29 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You might be riding high on a cloud of romantic bliss or be filled with a boatload of creative ideas during the next two to three weeks. Your more practical side could come into prominence in October, when you can discard unrealistic ideas that will not work. You may be more ambitious and hardworking, but do not volunteer to accept more responsibilities than you already have because they may weigh you down for months to come. Rest up in November because December may bring fortunate experiences since it could be a time when people who are good for you tend to draw closer and those who are not will fade into the background. You might be careless or overly optimistic and might not be wise about money matters or business, but you can accept any opportunities that come your way at face value.

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