Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Sharing your innovative ideas and honest opinions can pave the way for togetherness. If you make promises to others, be sure you keep them and your reputation for being dependable can speak for itself.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: It is best to avoid large purchases for now due to possibly larger than expected bills coming your way. Someone in your community could try to coerce you, but by remaining as kind as possible, you could walk away unscathed.

GEMINI: Your kindheartedness and friendliness may be misinterpreted by someone and could lead to some issues later on. Put your emphasis on actions that highlight your sterling character and make sure to keep your commitments.

CANCER: You may be reaching the peak of an important thought. The conclusions you draw from your introspection could offer you an exciting new outlook on life. An ambitious loved one might be a major source of inspiration.

LEO: Your ambitions can be affected by subtle pressure from colleagues who just want you to excel. If you are handed a new project, you may want to persist until it is completed. Embrace the possible urge to be in command.

VIRGO: Now may be the time to shed some light on truths you could be currently hiding from. You might discover there can be common ground to be shared with an opponent or a critic that will aid in effective communication.

LIBRA: Promoting yourself and showing off your skills can pay off in a big way. Be a cheerleader for your team whether they win or lose. You may be feeling romantic so spend some time with a special someone when you can.

SCORPIO: Try not to hide your light or your fantastic ideas away — let them out and let everyone see what you are capable of. You can receive recognition at your workplace by remaining trustworthy and diligent.

SAGITTARIUS: Your hidden superstar qualities are just below the surface — now may be the time to release them and entertain your audience. Giving in to the impulsive urge to speak without thinking could come back to bite you later on.

CAPRICORN: Books and movies do not just appear complete and perfect out of thin air. You may need to learn that magical things can take lots of hard work and persistence. Try not to give up on things if the rough draft is not perfect.

AQUARIUS: Developing and adopting a trademark style can help you stand out and be remembered. Being trustworthy and dependable will solidly build a favorable reputation for you among your family, friends and coworkers.

PISCES: Demonstrate your strength of character so you can stand up and be heard instead of hiding away. Your honesty can clear the air of any vagueness, worry or misgivings. Be willing to share your thoughts with others.

IF JULY 3 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: It is far more productive to attain material security through consistent effort than to dream but do nothing. You should be better able to successfully navigate life’s pitfalls as the next three to four weeks unfold. Avoid new romantic entanglements and risky get-rich schemes that may not live up to the advertisements. During August and September, you may need to set a good example in positions of leadership but avoid becoming defensive when your authority is challenged. Your practical side is enhanced in the first half of September, making it a suitable time to review investments and profit-making strategies. Embrace any opportunity or advice that comes your way in early October. That is a time when you are wiser than usual and can make sound decisions and beneficial changes.

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