Economic modernization program is adjustable — Shraideh

Nasser Al-Shraideh
Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Nasser Al-Shraideh. (Photo: Jordan News)

AMMAN — Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Nasser Al-Shraideh said that the economic modernization program and plans are part of the comprehensive vision of His Majesty King Abdullah, and aim to empower the public sector, Al-Mamlaka TV reported. اضافة اعلان

Shraideh said the programs and plans also aim to restore excellence to the public administration, improve services provided to citizens and raise the efficiency of the public administration.

Addressing a forum titled “Challenges of Public Sector Reform” at the Amman Chamber of Industry on Saturday, Shraideh said that the modernization program is flexible, open to criticism, and will be adjusted to benefit the public interest by involving citizens in the decision-making process.

He said that will be done through partnerships with scientific and research centers and academic institutions, thus measuring its impact in every sector.

Shraideh pointed out that the program will be carried out over 10 years, adding that what has been announced so far is the first phase of modernization, which will continue till it creates an effective and empowered public sector capable of carrying out the various tasks entrusted to it with efficiency and competence.

He also said that the program will be a factor enabling the private sector to double the positive results, and achieve the goals and indicators stipulated in the vision.

Shraideh said that a higher ministerial committee was formed to follow up on the execution of the public sector modernization program for 2022–2025, noting that there are annual executive plans based on studies of each component of the road map.

He said that 22 sectoral teams were formed to prepare the executive program of the Economic Modernization Vision for the years 2023–2025, to which the best practices will be applied.

It will be a collaborative effort of various stakeholders, with clear and measurable performance indicators and targeted values at national level.

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