Canadian minister visits Injaz

3. Injaz Canada
Canadian and Injaz officials hold talks on August 10, 2022. (Photo: Injaz)
AMMAN — Canadian Minister of International Development Harjit S. Sajjan on Wednesday visited the Injaz business incubator, mySTARTUP, where he learned firsthand about the incubator's plans, programs, activities, and projects, Injaz said in a statement.اضافة اعلان

Sajjan was also acquainted with the incubator’s programs and services provided to women and men entrepreneurs. The minister also met with other organizations working in partnership with the Canadian government.

Sajjan's visit to the incubator was part of the Launching Economic Achievement Program (LEAP) that is implemented by Injaz, in partnership with the Canadian Bureau for International Education CBIE. LEAP was launched in 2018 and funded by the Canadian government.

The visit included discussions with Injaz CEO Deema Bibi on the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Jordan and ways of cooperation to support youth entrepreneurship.

“Small and medium enterprises are the backbone of all economies around the globe,” Sajjan said. “The youth unemployment crisis, an influx of refugees, and a global pandemic is a tremendous challenge — but young people are the solution.”

“We need their important insights so that governments everywhere can address their concerns and build a future that includes everyone,” the minister added.

Bibi said the incubator is part of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Jordan, and works directly with all parties to advance this sector. She pointed out that the incubator includes a large group entrepreneurs, both female and male, who have established their start-ups in a variety of fields, including green, educational service, and technology sectors.

Injaz has been working with partners CBIE for more than four years to offer economic opportunities for women in Jordan, Bibi said. The aim was to increase women participation in the labor market, and make a clear impact, she added.

Injaz is also working with its Canadian partners on other pillars related to the development of Business and Social Entrepreneurship programs that are implemented in schools and universities. It launched a national campaign to support the role of women in the Jordanian labor market, and is holding panel discussions between various public and private institutions and civil society institutions to enhance the role of women and their contribution to the development of the national economy.

During the visit, the Canadian official also met with a group of entrepreneurs and learned about their projects and start-ups that benefited from the Canadian support and partnership.

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