Ministry regulates control and inspection of economic activities

ministry of industry
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply on Tuesday launched the Development of Control and Inspection of Economic Activities Program, creating an effective standard for control and inspection operations while applying the principle of risk management in these operations, according to Al-Mamlaka TV.اضافة اعلان

The program comes following government directives to improve public services by simplifying procedures and reducing the time, effort and costs necessary to implement supervision and inspection of economic facilities.

The ministry said in a press statement that under inspection will be endeavors to classify and analyze risks, that it will address the overlap of works of regulatory bodies, and work to reduce the cost of unorganized inspections in order to achieve an optimal use of government resources, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of inspection.

The ministry said that a digitized inspection system approved in the middle of December will start to be implemented by the ministries of labor and environment at the beginning of 2022, adding that the system will be activated during the first quarter of 2022.

The system enables the exchange of data and information concerning the inspection visits, risk criteria, and laboratory test results, and coordinates visits, contributing to reducing the number of repeated and unorganized inspections.

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